Monday, February 16, 2009

Abraham Lincoln

Here is some stuff I know about Abraham Lincoln. When he was seven (my age), his mom died of milk sickness (I like milk, too.) He married a lady named Mary Todd. He has been dead for about 100 years. He was shot and killed at a play. It was a good play and he liked it a lot. I bet he didn't know he was going to get shot.

Some more stuff is, he stopped slavery by going to war with the North against the South. He saved nearly all of their lives, the people of the North. Before he was the president, he was a store keeper, a millworker and a mail man. When people asked where the mail drop off was, he said "in Abe's hat". He was called Abe for short. On February 12th, we celebrate his birthday. He was one of the greatest presidents and people say that if he had not lived, then the United States would be in two parts. I wonder what the two names would have been.

(This was written using notes she gathered for an Abraham Lincoln book report for school. She decided to use them for her writing today, because it's President's Day.)

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