Sunday, March 15, 2009

Silken Dollar (or The Amazing Presley)

I want to teach you a magic trick I learned. Things you will need:
1. A fake thumb,
2. Red handkerchief,
3. An audience with money, and
4. An assistant.

What you do when you are not in sight is put the handkerchief in the fake thumb. Next, put the thumb on. When performing, ask the assistant to bring a dollar bill or ask the audience {don't forget to give it back!} Then, wrap the dollar bill around the fake thumb. Slide the thumb down while holding the dollar. Now, pull the handkerchief out of the thumb and you did it! Abracadabra, frogs and toads (magic words!) You can use the thumb to hide the food you don't want to eat at dinner, too.

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