Friday, May 29, 2009

Seeing Things

I have noticed a lot of stuff on the news from people seeing Jesus on everything like toast and cheese-doodles. I have seen a dog, a cat, a bear and a mermaid in the clouds and a smiley face, a puffer fish and a heart in potato chips. It is just crazy. I have not seen anything that looks like Jesus on anything, especially (apeshaly) food. I found Spongebob Squarepants in my macaroni once, but the box said he'd be in there. I found Snoopy on my waffle once, but my dad cooked it in a Snoopy waffle maker. I don't think Jesus would stick his head on your toast or bologna (bolloni) sandwich. If he wanted your attention, he'd do like the Bible says like just show up in your living room. Why don't these people stop playing with their food and eat it?

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