Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cool And Stupid Cams

Here is a website ( http://search.earthcam.com/search/ec_kids_search.php?cat=UNU ), which you can look at some "cams". Some are stupid, cute,funnyor cool. Also, I noticed that some were dark, because it was nighttime. I have written about some below:

Peckadilly Circus Egg Cam - I didn't see this video, but it sounds super cool. You watch baby chicks hatching out of their eggs and seeing the world for the first time.

Cheddar Vision - This is very stupid. All you are doing is watching cheese get old. I don't know who would want to sit around and watch cheese on their computer!?

Otter Sanctuary - I love this one, because those otters are so cute.
My Fish Cam - This one has been changed to http://www.fishcam.com/ .

Watching Grass Grow Cam - Just like it says, it is very stupid. I don't think this is to watch grass grow. I think it is a nosey neighbor.

World's Largest Cactus Cam - Again, this is a very stupid webcam, but the Yellow Submarine in the background is cool (The Beatles).

Panda Cam - When I looked at it, the panda was asleep and hugging a rock. It made me laugh.

Portland Pet Cam - This is all about cats. I love cats!

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